Monday, October 8, 2012

President's Debate Performance Not as Disappointing as His Supporters'

Okay, I admit watching the first presidential debate Oct. 3 was a bit painful  but what really pisses off The Angry White Mom about the so-called "debate analysis" of the last week is the way our President's supporters have demonstrated the exact kind of spineless whining that has been the Democratic Party's
undoing so often in the past. It certainly did not deserve the kind of freak-out reaction it spawned among our most hightly paid pundits.
Actress/activist Kerry somebody (Robinson, maybe?) actually stood out among the woebegone with Bill Mahrer when she complained that media and pundits on both sides castigated Obama in 2008 for being all style, no substance, but in Wednesday's debate -- despite being unexpectedly hit full on by Romney's Etch-A-Sketch -- he was determined to keep the debate focused on substantive matters, and for this he is sand-bagged by his fellow Democrats .  Good for her for pointing this out -- that the media, -the so-called "liberal" media included, fall into the most obvious and hyperdramatic holes when they stray from
reporting to supposing.
Any good Mom knows from attending any kind of extracurricular event that while you have a stake in the game, you find yourself taking a lot of deep breaths, biting  back your sarcasm and SUPPORTING YOUR TEAM for all it's worth -- and make sure that your child, and the children of your neighbors, and most importantly, your opposition, knows that you are "right behind ya rootin' for ya" come what may.
While I may neither understand nor like the strategy, I know that their is one and the pros are sticking
with the plan. It's a lot like watching your kid play high school football. Parents may believe -- or even in some cases, know -- that the coach is an idiot. Regardless, you are best served by supporting the team itself, and keeping your doubts to yourself, especially if you want your child to be in the next game's line-up.  My sons would both tell you that this is a virtue I never was able to achieve.
But hindsight, as they say, is 20/20 -- and really all any of us have to offer is hindsight  -- so I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the strategy deployed by the Obama campaign is not indeed some
kind of "rope-a-dope" plan, as expressed by the good Rev. Al  -- primitive but easy, considering the amount of fodder Romney keeps shoveling our way.
So BUCK UP, Team Obama -- get your Game Face on. Trust me -- the President has his Game Face on and his courage "screwed to the sticking place (Henry V).   Go Hard and Go Hard until the final buzzer. Even if it hurts,  because it's the truth.  And it's okay to put a bandage on it.

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