Monday, October 8, 2012

Finally: The Truth Behind Rich Guys' Hatred for Obama

First let me say categorically that I am not making this up.  The Angry White Mom is merely repeating here the actual comments made recently by a few very rich guys -- specifically Sam Zell, Leon Cooperton and Jack Welch, who no doubt speak for dozens of rich guys who just don't have the opportunity to publicly express identical perspectives.
Jack Welch gained headlines among his racist/rightest sycophants  for his Twitter comment after the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the recent unemployment figures that the stats were manipulated by the Obama campaign. What idiocy. But like clockwork, first Sean Insanity Hannity picked it up, the Oxycontin Express Limbaugh ran with it,  and the next morning that bobblehead Gretchen Carlson spewed it out as if it were factual on Fox "News."
But it was Chris Matthews' attack badger interview with Welch that revealed the truth underlying
the ridiculous speculation and subsequent accusations that obsess him and his peers. It seens that what really upsets Mr. Welch about our President is that Mr. Obama doesn't suck up to the rich guys like they think he should.  Is this a racist idea?  Well, maybe, but I doubt it, since I have seen it and experienced all my life the very same thing from rich white men -- they think they are really something because they have money and they think you should think so too. They don't understand -- in fact, they are astonished --that you simply do not fall at their feet, groveling and tugging the forelock. They believe everyone should offer up some kind of obeisance, I guess while facing their bank and bowing to their fiduciary powers.
That Obama doesn't appreciate the wealthy enough was actually expressed by some rich guy named Sam Zell -- he actually stated that. Paraphrasing here, but it was something to the effect that what billionaires and millionairs need is encouragement, not criticism, from the President. Oh.  Poor thing.  His feelings are hurt because the President is conservative in his "attaboys." He also  really resents that Beyonce and JayZ have more access to the White House than his little millionaire/billionaire club.  Hey! Sam! Maybe Beyonce and JayZ are just more fun than you are? I bet they aren't whining about their share of  Obama's attention. I mean really. Grow up. You sound like a snotty sophomore not invited to a senior party.
Another robber-baron type hedgefund manager and former Obama donor Leon Cooperton offered up his really really insightful and original comparison of Obama to Hitler (really. again with the Hitler.) because he hasn't allowed Wall Street to continue to run rampant over the rest of us.
Really? You guys don' t really seem to have the facts to back you up on this one.
Like: The Stock Market doubling from 6500 when Obama took office to over 13,000 today.
Like: some 5 million private sector jobs.
Like :the extension, despite his better judgement and the massive addition to the deficit, of the Bush Tax Cuts
Like: oh forget it.
Perhaps Mr. Cooperton had some expectations in exchange for his previous support, and just didn't get the bang from his buck he feels entitled to.
But wait I remember now! these guys prefer the fact-free  Right Wing World and too often find their
views confirmed by equally off-the-wall mental giants --  their conversation becomes a poison stew without any facts to dilute the broth of foolishness.
I'm  sure they are quite comfotable there. The rest of us know however that the Truth often hurts; and sometimes needs a bandage on it.

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