Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Well, well. April Fools.

Okay, now this little item that has been in the news lately (except NBC, a subsidiary of the gross offender)  has got me really really really furious. Its this GE thing -- about them being one of the richest
corporations in our country and they pay no taxes.  Right.  No taxes.  None. Zero. Let that sink in.
Now i am certainly not accusing GE of anything illegal.  I'm certainly not qualified to advise or dispute tax law or even higher accountancy.  But there is something sick and disturbing about GE's ability  -- and no doubt hundreds of so-called "American" companies as well -- to to manipulate and massage an already unfair tax code to the end result of feeding  such blatant greed -- profits well above anything reasonable for reinvestment (not happening, by the way) and a bit on top for investors' risk and continued good faith.
But no.  It's a winner take all attitude in the business world, me bucko, and only those with money to begin with can play.
Does'nt it strike anyone else as ironic that large corporations had the biggest profit in years this past quarter? At a time when corporations are laying off folks nd stupid politicians are blaming public employees for our nation's overall decline in everything from math and reading to the crumbling state of our bridges, dams and roads,  and huge budget deficits because they have demanded a decent wage for doing the nation's dirty work. Curious. But not criminal. Curious because these pols' attitudes do not even meet a moral challenge
by their so-called Christian Values Constituency.  To them all, it seems perfectly acceptable to ignore the "camel through a needle's eye" admonition,  and place far more importance on an imaginary ledger than on people's lives and livelihoods.
Clearly the pockets of these politicians such as Walker and Kasich, Christie and Pence and Cornyn and --
I don't have time to name them all, but you get the drift -- clearly their pockets are filled with corporate cash.
They no more have the best interests of the average American at heart than al Qaeda.
But here, for me, is the ultimate kicker.  The head of GE, the biggest offender in this corporate greed-fest, has now been named by President Obama as one of his closest business advisors. What a shocker for us
who thought that fairness and integrity would be among the criteria for a presidential advisor.  My hope is that this situation is more of a "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" type of relationship. C'mon, Mr. President, do you really think you can work with people of no conscience?  Recently I heard a Libyan
refugee say that even the Libyan community has a saying about Republicans -- "they have the intellect of Bush, the moral integrity of Berlesconi, and the heart of Putin."  After I finished laughing, I wrote that one down.

The Truth Hurst. Now go put a bandage on it.

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