Friday, March 11, 2011

Now I'm Really Back. And madder'n a wet hen.

This has been a wierd few months and my opinions have had to take a back seat to the rest of my life. So I am just going to jump right in here and sound off on some things that really really piss me off. But first let me say, to family and friends who may have been offended or hurt by their portrayal here that I humbly apologize
and now will only identify my "sources" as ambiguously as adherence to the truth will allow. 
So, having said that, I plunge into the topics of the day.

Can someone on the Right PUL-EEEEEZE explain to me how gay people marrying each other affects me at all?  I mean it.  I want a serious answer. And if you tell me that God forbids homosexuality, I can find a dozen places in the Bible that forbid a helluva lot of what goes on in your life as well. Clean up your own house,  Newt Ginrich -- the idea that you love American sooooooooo much that it excuses your adultery is truly offensive.   Well, speaking for Americans everywhere, we can get along without you just fine, Newt, so
take your wierdo psuedo-history of the world and keep it.  The rest of you busy-bodies appear  -- at least to this simple country mom --  to be entirely TOO interested in the private lives of other people. Guys like you we usually catch out by the barn watching the donkeys mate.

 And for heaven's sake can we STOP speaking as if all Muslims are terrorists?  Get REAL!   That's exactly like saying in 1941 that all Japanese were spies or Imperial sympathizers.  Or like all Irish during the 1970s were bombers (pay attention, NY Rep., Peter King, because I am coming to you in a minute...) Or like all African-Americans are Mau-Maus (heads up, Rev. Huckabee). Or like all fat men are jolly.
Mr. King, you actively supported the IRA during the 1970s, and yet you claim that because they did not
attack the United States, they were not a terrorist organization.  Your opinion. Fine.  But I would very much like to see you say that as you look into the eyes of those Irish mothers who lost children, of those Irish children who lost parents, siblings and friends. Look into their eyes, Mr. King, and tell me that is not terrorism.  What you are doing is McCarthy-esque. SHAME ON YOU and you need to stop it
before you completely expose yourself for the two-faced buffoon that you are.
Now Reverend Huckabee, STOP THE RACIST CRAP ABOUT PRESIDENT OBAMA.  Here in America we celebrate who we are  -- not who our forefathers are. Play that game across the Pond, Guv'nah, because Americans reject that kind of Caste Crap.  If you really wanted to "know more about him" as you claimed, you might find some answers in one of the THREE AUTOBIOGRAPHIES that OBAMA HAS WRITTEN.  Of course you didn't "misspeak" about Kenya versus Indonesia, because you went on for five stupid minutes about the Mau Mau Revolution which unmistakably took place in east Africa. I mean you had to do your homework there, nucklehead.  Not only are you a racist but you are a moron.  And only a mediocre bass player.  But fortunately most of us are not products of the Arkansas school system,  and you best not assume the rest of us are sooooooooo dumbbbbbbbbb.

Good things come in threes, and this third thing here has really got my blood boiling.  It has got me so
hot i could make fondue from the Wisconsin cheese that is spilling out of that crazy governor's mouth.
Does he think that the Koch Brother's millions can actually finance him to the WHite House?  Because that is exactly what I expect --    not Palin, not Christie, not Huckleberry -- but this pasty-faced puppet that has taken as his primary target the middle class citizens of Wisconsin. He is not on the national radar yet, but if he has his way in Wisconsin, beware.
A bit of Texas perspective here.  We here in Texas are what is euphemistically referred to as " a Right-to-Work" state.  That basically means that Unions are locked out of Texas public departments thanks to an actual amendment to the State Constitution (Our State Constitution is an amazing feat of legislative larceny)
that prevents it.  In other words, public employees in Texas -- -those whose salaries come from the state, like parks people, drivers license people, highway patrol, road crews, etc., or from local governments (in fact the biggest batch) such as school districts, counties and city workers, your trash guys, teachers, firefighters, EMS, etc. --- these folks have no collective bargaining rights.  Now when the argument was made, back in the 1950s, the Texas Legislature argued that instead of Collective Bargaining for public employees, they
would compensate public employees, who certainly worked (and still do, despite the right-wing myth that public employees are overpaid) for lower scale wages with better insurance (collectively bargained on the state level -- see the history of BC/BS) and good retirement.  Well surprise.  Over the last two decades
the legislature and the insurance companies have steadily chipped away at those "perks" ---  once considered
"incentives" for talented people to work in the public sector are now blamed for budget shortfalls in state budgets all over the country.  Bullshit.  Pure-D bullshit.

Okay-- now for some minor asides.
A big ATTABOY goes out to the NPR guy who spoke the truth  about the Republican Party being run into the ground by the nutjobs in the Tea Party as he opened up his personal opinions to the video imposters (read: preposterous) "Gotcha" Guys.
Unfortunately, your moment of having a spine didn't last.

And NO ONE is telling the truth about our unemployment.  The blatant sad truth is that most small business owners consider themselves Republican, and their partisanship and hatred for this democratically elected
President of color prevents them from doing the best thing for their companies and the nation -- and that is borrow money from the Banks and hire new workers.   The Banks are not lending, and the business owners
are not borrowing and spending.  And so all of us are slaves to their unshakeable partisanship.

And Charlie Sheen. Honey, for God;s sake, where is your mother?

Truth hurts.  Now go put a bandaid on it.

The Angry White Mom

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