Thursday, October 14, 2010

She's Baaaaack...

The Angry White Mom is back, after a few weeks of hiatus while I took a long mental health holiday and a deep deep breath. In the meantime, i got quite a few encouraging words from various folks, and here's a great one and a big shout out to The Conservative Democrat for supplying this commentary: 

There's no question that we're losing jobs at an alarming rate in the United States...
There's also no question as to where these jobs are going: Overseas, quite often to support Communist China.
(Read: Cheap Labor... and let's forget that we're selling out the very American working families who would actually BUY our products)
Today, Congress finally moved on something to stop the endless job losses...
They voted today to impose penalties on companies that ship jobs overseas, and give them TAX BREAKS for moving jobs back to America:

The bill failed to pass, with a vote of only 53 in favor of passage... 60 votes were needed to take up the bill.
Here's what you should know about today's vote to give   Tax Breaks to companies who return jobs to America:



Pop Quiz
Why did the Republicans vote down this bill?  Choose the best answer from below:
A) Because they're bought and paid for by their large Corporate donors who love cheap labor at any cost,
B) Because they want to support a Communist Country,
C) Because they want to weaken the economic and security status of the United States

Is your job in jeopardy?
Is your 401(k) collapsing from a sluggish, jobless economy?

If you think folks should know, forward this on.
If you want to hide the truth, just delete it.

6 This is what the LORD says:
       "For three sins of Israel,
       even for four, I will not turn back {my wrath}.
They sell the righteous for silver,
       and the needy for a pair of sandals.
 7 They trample on the heads of the poor
       as upon the dust of the ground
       and deny justice to the oppressed.

Amos 2:6-7 (NIV)

And Happy Belated Birthday and a really big shout out to my Same Name Friend Jerry for sending this one:



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What's Wrong With America in a Weekend

Multiply my weekend by 300 million and you will have in one incident a neat little package of the things that are really wrong in our country that make the Angry White Mom really angry. Let me give you the back story:
            I have lived in rural Texas for most of my life. For fifteen years I have lived at a state park in Texas where my husband David  has served with distinction as park manager. Over the years we have seen hundreds of stray animals, cats and dogs, goats and even the occassional emu (yes, emu) dumped by the public.  On many occasions, depending on age, health, and personality, we have taken in animals and found homes for them, feeding them and paying for any necessary emergency health care out of our own pockets. Every animal I personally have rescued has had it shots. Our dogs have always worn collars, and we are careful to keep them in our house’s yard -- a secure fenced area -- where they are not bothersome to the park staff or public.
            Among the animals that have been,  and still are as of this date,  a nuisance to those in the park are the collarless, tagless, free roaming dogs belonging to the Walther family.  For at least two years, we (as well as park staff and visitors) have had to deal with this family’s lack of ability or desire to responsibly care for their animals.
            On or about August 26 as I was preparing for bed about , I saw a small dog in our backyard and I went to investigate. She was so skittish I could not get close enough to confirm her breed, but I could tell she was female and had had at least one litter.  A typical dumped dog, I thought, and went to bed.
            The next morning the dog was still in our yard. So, doing what I usually do, I fed her  -- I only had cat food because Harley, our dog of ten years, had passed away of old age in early August, and I had given away all our left over dog food and treats. She ate like she was starving.  We began asking around if anyone had lost a small white dog and I personally asked members of the park staff who live in Foard County if they recognized the dog. They did not. I emailed pictures of the dog to friends in Quanah to see if they recognized her.  They did not.
            After week or so, and some discussion with family members, we decided to keep her.  I took her to the Quanah Vet Clinic, where Dr. Conley did not recognize her either, got her shots and had her examined to see if she was spayed or carrying pups.
            On Friday, Sept. 17, at 10 in the morning, the two most obnoxious dogs belonging to the Walthers once again appeared IN MY BACKYARD WHERE THEY HAD PUSHED THROUGH THE FENCE TO GET IN.  I called the park secretary to get the Walther’s phone number and then called Mrs. Walther to tell her that her dogs were in my yard, again.  She acted rather nonchalantly and said they would come home eventually.  I explained to her that that was a problem because my dog was in heat and I wasn’t interested in having puppies.
            She finally appeared to get the dogs around and by this time her dogs were
roaming around somewhere else.  Instead of coming to my door to speak to me, she helped herself to opening my backyard gate. I thought this was rather rude, but  I went out to speak to her anyway and when she saw my dog (as I thought at the time) she asked me if the dog had “just shown up” a few weeks ago.  I told her yes, she was a stray and we took her in and were very fond of her. She said at that point, that it was her dog, one of two dogs she lost in the same week.
I said that was too bad. She stated again that it was her dog, and I told her “not anymore,"she appeared as a stray in my backyard with no collar, no tags. And I went inside as it is not my habit to try to reason with unreasonable people.
            The next day, Saturday, September 18, she rings my doorbell about   Out of my front window I could see it was her and her husband and kids (I suppose) and I chose to not answer the door. The phone rang and I let the answering machine get it.  It was her, and I did not pick up.  Instead I let her leave her hateful message and then I called David at the office and told the staff member who answered that she was here. Staff  said David was on his way to the house.  Mrs. Walther then called me again on the phone and as soon as I picked up she said without even identifying herself, “Mrs. Turner you stole my dog and I am here to get her. I have no problem staying out here until you talk to me.” I told her that I have no evidence that this dog is hers and in fact, I have no reason to believe that the dog would be better off with her than here.  I told her that if indeed the dog were hers and she could prove it, she could pay for the immunizations. Or she could sue me. She replied that she was “calling the cops right now.” And so at this threat, I hung up the phone. I noticed David coming home from the shop yard and that the Game Warden was pulling in the park road and turning on the shop road to the house.
            I looked out my window as David was coming in the backdoor. At the same time the Game Warden was walking across my driveway to the front door. I let him in and one of the first things he does is lie by telling us that “he just happened to be passing by the park and stopped to see what was going on.”  This is an outright lie because first, Thompson never comes to the house, he always has gone to the office, and second, because he clearly did not have time to receive a phone call from Walther, much less a county dispatch, before I saw he was on his way up the shop road to my house. It was also clear that this had been prearranged and that he was there at the Walthers’ beck and call because they met him when he arrived, pointing at the house and gesturing, all of which I watched from my front window. He had to have known the situation before he got there, because he did not pause long enough with the Walthers to find out before he came to my door.
           This  Game Warden then proceeded to tell me he can identify that the dog belongs to the Walthers and further implied that he will side with them. He further stated that the Walthers are perfectly within their rights to let their animals roam, without a collar or rabies tags, because this is rural Texas. I tried to tell him I thought the dog was a stray, since it had no collar, and being an unspayed female which was typical of dumped dogs.  He merely shrugged at my explanation and then proceeded to lecture me on my responsibilities of “being a good neighbor.” 
            It was clear at that point that the Walthers and their white trash behavior was about to be officially rewarded, and so I told the Game Warden to “take the fucking dog and get out of my house.” In fact, I had to tell him a couple of times.  Finally I picked up the dog and tried to give her to him , but he pushed her away and that startled me, because I thought that he was getting what he wanted, and  I dropped her.  I picked her up again, and more forcefully shoved her into his arms, but I really could not see him because of the tears in my eyes. At this point the clumsy jerk stumbled backwards into the wall and broke my floor lamp, and then he mumbled something like “you don’t have to assault me.” I told him to take the dog and get the hell out.
           He took the dog, took off her collar and tags and left them with David. He gave the dog to Mrs. Walther, and he left following the Walthers family toward their home, I assume to help celebrate their tremendous victory over over our evil deeds.
            On Monday, the Walthers' two most obnoxious dogs were once again camped on my front door.
            On Monday, I hear from my 15-year old son that he is accosted and harassed by a young friend of the Walthers on the bus coming home from school.  This is typical of the behavior we regularly have come to expect from our  “neighbors.”
            Furthermore, I find out Monday that this Game Warden  has threatened to file some kind of trumped-up charges against me but so far has only resorted to the cowardly tactic of initiated some kind of nonsense complaint against David. This is clearly retaliation against my husband and it should be stopped.  If the Game Warden wants to press charges against me, I wholeheartedly believe he should do so. I will be absolutely thrilled to go to jail, and eventually get the chance tell the judge, and maybe CNN, my side of the story. I think maybe even Texas Monthly might be interested in how hard our parks and wildlife department law enforcement officals work to catch dangerous criminals like me.

         Parks and Wildlife regularly caves in to this type of attack on its parks people disciplining its own people over the most ridiculous accusations.  Eight years ago David's  boss and the legal department sided with a rich white man -- Dr. Fred Koch -- who, with the complicity of the Foard County Judge and the Crowell Chamber of Commerce, tried to hijack the StarWalk, an volunteer astronomy program I developed at the park to increase visitation -and I spent more than $7000 in legal fees to protect the program and myself. Another park manager in Albany had a similar situation and was pressured to quit by the department.  As I told my dear husband then - A Job with Texas Parks and Wildlife -- it 's not just a job, it's an indenture.

So there you have it. What is wrong with our country? It is full of examples of irresponsible behavior on the part of ignorant, selfish and spoiled rich people who seem to believe the rest of us are just out here to
pick up after them.  And we have a law enforcement official in the pockets of these white,  landowning, ignorant, selfish, and spoiled rich people and who uses the position of his office to bully the people his friends have screwed and are trying to screw as well. And of course, here we have a dysfunctional  underlying community with no collective spine to stand up and say, it may be legal but it is wrong.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Okay, the Angry White Mom is pissed off again. Another one of those emails landed in my inbox today and it has set me off. This one, purportedly originally from a retired Admiral, is titled “Disturbing Information On Our Wonderful President” and reads as follows. I have changed nothing except printed it in red for clarity.

Sent by Retired Vice Admiral Bob Scarborough, of Arlington , Va.

"I wanted to give you all some disturbing information on our wonderful president. I work with the Catch-A-Dream Foundation which provides hunting and fishing trips to children with life-threatening illnesses. This past weekend we had our annual banquet / fundraiser event in Starkville . "As a part of our program, we had scheduled Sgt. 1st Class Greg Stube, a highly decorated U.S. Army Green Beret and inspirational speaker who was severely injured while deployed overseas and didn't have much of a chance for survival to come. Greg is stationed at Ft. Bragg , NC and received permission from his commanding officer to come speak at our function. Everything was on go until Obama made a policy that NO U.S. SERVICEMAN CAN SPEAK AT ANY FAITH-BASED PUBLIC EVENTS ANYMORE. Needless to say, Greg had to cancel his speaking event with us.. Didn't know if anyone else was aware of this new policy. Wonder what kind of news we all will receive next.

You're just starting to see the Obamanation. Your religion is on the list next.? I don't know about you, but this makes me furious.

This is just how the Nazis did it in the 30's, slowly, one step at a time. If you don't see the similarities you are truly blind

After I challenged this crap in an reply email, I received a mush-mouthed apology full of the usual “I hit the wrong button” and “Oh, I just thought it was an interesting email, that’s all” and the classic “Oh! I didn’t mean for you to get this one” (oh, so basically it is okay to pass on these lies to folks who agree with you) with a link to But it was clear that once his “truth” was challenged as bogus, this fine, upstanding church-going “veteran” simply could not support the email’s contention that we are all becoming slaves to the “Obamanation.”

Now, to be fair, it did take this original writer three whole paragraphs to mention the Nazi thing. I mean, for these right-wing nutjob liars that is probably a personal best. Well, needless to say, as the daughter of a career Air Force physician, the niece of a WWII Marine hero, and the mother of a West Point Cadet, the Angry White Mom was the LYING TRASH contained in this email, which supposedly came to me from a veteran. But if you ask me, no veteran worth his salt would pass on this type of outright lie about military policy, or incite this kind of hatred toward our Commander-in-Chief.

THE TRUTH is that this policy is an old old old concept that has NOTHING TO DO WITH OBAMA. There is nothing “new” about it. Let me explain.

Throughout time, and certainly in the modern era, warriors who are serving their country SUSPEND THEIR OWN RIGHTS TO PROTECT OURS.

Get it? They willingly, consciously, and with complete understanding, realize that while in uniform they represent our whole country, as diverse as it is, not just the white, anglo-teutonic protestant majority. When a service man or woman puts on our nation’s uniform – as a marine, soldier, sailor or airman, they shed their own public expression of opinion, of politics, of policy. This doesn’t mean that they are not allowed to have their own opinions, it means that until they are no longer on active duty, they are expected to maintain the dignity of the armed services and refrain from making their comments public.

Why? Okay, here it is again. Because they represent our whole country. But their opinions are their own. It is their duty to not besmirch the honor of our nation. And if it is one thing warriors understand it is duty. And honor. Something apparently these “veterans” who make up this kind of email have forgotten.

I doubt if General McChrystal will be forgetting this concept, since the reason his Boss had to fire him is because of this same sad mistake. When your opinion is more important than the truth, than duty, than honor, then you are really on thin ice.

And the Angry White Mom is watching.

Friday, September 3, 2010


A look back at my 38 years of experiencing the joy and wonder of toiling endlessly for my daily bread (when I have been lucky enough employed),  I can count on one hand the number of actual Labor Day holidays that I have not had to work.  It strikes me as odd that corporate management, banks, federal buildings and most state and municipal offices are closed, except perhaps for the janitorial staff -- the folks who probably really could use a day off to put their feet up. Even in small businesses, the boss takes off to go to his lake house and the secretary who earns eght bucks an hour opens up early on Monday morning.
The Angry White Mom thinks something is wrong here.  I thought Labor Day was supposed to celebrate
labor and laborers and laboring. But the upshot of it all is that the real laborers, the ones that really "git it done" would be docked in pay if they took the day off. Restaurant servers and cooks, any fast food worker, hotel clerks, grocery store workers, gas station attendants, retail clerks  -- anyone who earns an hourly wage risks losing a whole day's pay if they don't report for work  -- on Labor Day.
I was talking to my uncle the other day.  By most standards, he is a Rich White Guy. He too is an American Dream Come True, A Small-Town Boy Makes Good -- a classic example of the conservative icon. A pretty decent guy, for all that, although I am admittedly biased -- he is my mother's brother.  Anyway, he asked me if i had noticed that all of President Obama's economic advisors were from academia or bureaucrats --not one, he said, had actually run a business. He seemed disturbed by the notion, and that really started me thinking.  I puzzled over it all day, reviewing my own disasterous attempts at trying to run a business (well, a few businesses) during the last decade, all of which tanked for a wide range of unforseeable reasons, despite my hard work and college degree. 
I have come to the conclusion that no, it does not bother me one bit.
Afterall, we were led by the nose into Iraq by four losers who never served a day in the military, never
went to war, never saw combat or lost a friend to enemy fire. I am of course talking about the infamous
Gang of Four -- Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, who in my mind are war criminals for their lies and endorsement of torture.   They had absolutely no clue about intelligence or military matters.  At all.  And the whole country (well except for a few of us, Barack Obama included) followed these arrogant chickenhawks down the garden path to the graves of more than 4,500 American men and women.
In terms of the economy, it was the leadership named above that led us into the worst recession since the 1930s Great Depression -- which a lot of these elderly misinformed Tea Partiers survived and you would think they ought to know the signs by now -- and yet Obama is blamed because it is taking a bit longer than expected to yank our butts out of the economic toilet left us by Wall Street and years of conservative-backed deregulation.
And yet these morons had plenty of business experience, Uncle.  George Bush had run several businesses into the ground, and was only the "Managing Partner" for the Rangers for his name/face value --- the real controlling partners were smart enough to not give him anything important to do...Cheney served on the boards of lots of oil and gas companies just like George, but not for his management skills, but for the contacts he had over the years he had spent in Washington snarking out a bureaucratic career.  Wolfowitz was tapped from the World Bank, where he consistently supported corporations dedicated to raping the Earth's natural resources in Brazil and in third world countries.  Rumsfeld -- what can I say.  I read "All the President's Men" years ago and remember clearly that Nixon's staff referred to him as "Rummy the Dummy."
"Nuf said.
On the other hand, I have seen that problems arise that elude even the most successful, the most experienced. And it is always the smart guy that figures out how to solve them.  Look at that Dyson guy.  This guy is on to something more than just better vacuum cleaners. He is revolutionizing the way we think of air and air currents and the implications for future travel is mind-boggling.  So for me, I put my trust in the smart guy.
Sometimes smart guys are hard to find.They are not necessarily white, or affluent, formally educated,or even employed. Sometimes the smart guy is the quiet one at the back. Sometimes the rowdy class clown. Usually the smart guy is not the one in charge, but sometimes, you can get lucky.
Like Don, the manager of the Kwik Kar lube where i take my car to get its regular maintenance.  Don is almost always there, except when he suffered a heart attack back a while ago. When all the bays are full
and his team is busy, Don has no trouble climbing down into the pit to service the next one in line. And he is smart, well-read, thoughtful and practices to be a good Christian man. Even though he is technically  in charge,  he has to straddle that line between labor and management.  I can almost guarantee he doesn't get Labor Day off either.
And Barack Obama is the smartest guy in the White House in quite a while, no doubt about it.  And he has really surrounded himself with other smart people.  Some may be jerks but no one is perfect, after all.  And
it has been this circle of smart people, even the unlikeable ones, that have reclaimed our country from
an economic cesspool. And they have done it without any help at all from the Republicans, the so-called
experienced businesspeople. -- the ones who claim to be experts on the economy, on small business, on taxes, etc. 
It's not just the same ol' blind partisan stonewalling of any economic proposal offered by the White House.  It's that they have nothing to offer except the same old tired tax breaks for the Rich and Near Rich and whining about the deficit. The truth about the work the Obama Administration --on its own -- has accomplished came out just in time for Labor Day. THE TRUTH IS: fewer jobs were lost in July than previously reported, and fewer jobs were lost than expected in August (just watch the Stock Markets jump on that news alone).  THE TRUTH IS: that more outlets are reporting in, so small business establishments are on the increase again.  THE TRUTH IS:  that the recovery is slower than expected because the BANKS which were bailed out under Bushie and Republican legislation, are not lending to anyone's business, large or small, and so it is the BANKS, NOT OBAMA's policies, responsible for stifling our economic growth.THE TRUTH IS: that the administration proposed a small business tax credit bill before the Labor Day recess that bypasses this tight-fisted crap, but it wasn't passed and it remains before the Senate.  THE TRUTH IS: this bill is paid for, none of it will add to the deficit.  The bill is designed to stimulate job growth by increasing
proposes tax credits for small businesses for hiring more people and for capital gains free physical expansion.
Hey Capital Gains reduction.  Isn't that another one of those conservative rally cries?  Sounds good to me.  Now if we could just get those Republicans off their butts and back to work on Monday.  Uh, oh yeah. Tuesday.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Yesterday The Angry White Mom never got around to this blogging stuff -- I had bills to pay, it being the first of the month, plus real work to do, about which I will share soon enough. But yesterday's highlight was finding out from my fifteen-year-old that the School District has blocked my blog! What a RUSH! I cannot tell you how great that makes me feel. The support and validation from many of you aside, it is just amazing to me that anyone is reading any progressive stuff at all. In my experience, if they shut you down you have managed to upset the apple cart.  Upsetting the apple cart may be messy, but it brings to light all the mold and rot down below. I can't wait to see if they block all political blogs, or just the "angry liberal" ones. I honestly will support the decision to blog all political and or religious blogs (sorry if you disagree) because I certainly don't want want sewage like Hubbell's Awakened Nation hatesite being read in our public schools.   We'll see.....
On the bright side I heard from the guy in Louisiana --Johnnie-- who first alerted me to Mr. Hubbell's attempted cyberambush. This Patriot has been inspired to publish his own blog, too, The Conservative
Democrat, and you will find a link to his site here. 
I like to keep in mind what Will Rogers once said, "I don't belong to an organized political party.  I'm a
Democrat."  So with that in mind, I want to say that I may not agree with Johnnie all the time but his
posts are always thoughtful and well said and as a writer also totally new to this medium, I wish him the best.
Now today The Angry White Mom has had all she can stand from conservative crackheads who try to hijack my patriotism.  Since when did the Right Wing corner the market on being Patriotic?  It is totally absurd.  I am so tired of the tiresome rhetoric from that horrible congresswoman Bachman in Michigan and others of her ilk about "anti-American" activities.  Good Lordamighty, sounds like she is celebrating the resurrection of  McCarthy instead of Jesus.
I have a pedigree to match the Kennedys. I always sing the National Anthem, and i cry at the "land of the free and the home of the brave" part.  I love our history -- even the naughty bits --  and treasure our national heritage. I could join the Daughters of the American Revolution, except that their annual dues are a little steep. I pay my taxes thankfully, because the small amount that i pay is like a covenant between me and the government -- that they will do their best to improve the quality of my life as an American.  So don't anyone even dare to question my love of country, or the commitment to its growth and prosperity. I remember back in the when that "America -- Love It or Leave It" --slogan was so popular.  I guess I still feel that way except that the Loving America part to me also means loving even the parts you don't like.  Kind of like with our parents. Or a difficult child.
Right now our country is facing so many challenges with so many pitfalls -- natural ones as well as nasty ones
designed by those who have theirs and really could care less if anyone else does. Here is one of the basic reasons why I support President Obama. In the first place I  voted for him to lead our country.  In the second place, the majority of Americans voted for him, too.  It's not as if he came to the presidency via a judicial coup, like Bushie did in 2000.
On the other hand, I did NOT vote for Mitch McConnell, or John (I'd Rather Be Golfing) Boehner, or especially Dick Armey, Sarah Palin or Newt Gingrich.  These last three (I could name so many others) have absolutely no relevance to the national debate. They are HASBEENS. It's as ridiculous as having Mike Brown featured on the Five-Year Katrina retrospective on cable news.  What? He was?  Oh. Ooops.
I certainly did not vote for Glenn Beck, a Mormon-turned Christian Fundamentalist with a messianic complex that rivals a character from Ayn Rand.  I did not vote for fat, oxycontin-addicted Rush Limbaugh (when my children were little and misbehaved, i would ask them if they had seen that bad boy Rush anywhere around...) I certainly did not vote for Rupert Murdoch, a foreign national (he is an Australian citizen) who controls NewsCorp, which runs Fox News and most Fox Network subsidiaries which adds up to about one quarter of the country's broadcast news outlets.
I did help elect our President. And although I voted for my Republican congressman, I was glad that Democrats won a majority in Congress. And while I realize our elected leaders are not perfect, the system is the best there is. Considering the mess that was left them, i am fully okay with them taking a little extra time to get things in order and get the job done.
And that brings us full circle to the School District thing. I certainly would not want to be the one choosing which blogs are okay and which ones are not.  If blocking blogspots is being  handled fairly and in a nonpartisan way, I am happy to let it go. After all,  i do believe the school administrators are fundamentally looking out for the students, and I have to give them the time and space to get the job done.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hubbell Can Wait; This Really Raises My Hackles

The saga of Gary the Great is by no means over, and the rest of the story is truly fun, but right now i am busting at the seams over this Mosque thing.  Not just the Lower Manhattan one in New York City, but the
arson in Murfreesboro, and similar situations all over the country.  That paranoid idiot who thinks it's fun
to burn the Koran -- who the hell does he think he is? Any book burning is sacrilege.  Why haven't we learned these lessons already!?! My late father in law, a presbyterian minister and noted antiquarian Decherd Turner would be rolling over in his grave (except that we actually scattered his ashes as he wished) at such a horrible thought. I loved him and miss him, a great deal. And since i knew him in my adulthood as i never had the chance with my own Dad, I will no doubt be drawing on his wisdom and strength here in these cyberpages.

True Story.  I may be fuzzy on the details, but why take all the fun out of fact-checking? (What, you don't look stuff up after reading about it in the first place?) Anyway, way back in the Renaissance, I think maybe in Florence, Italy, there was a priest (or a monk, or a bishop, whatever) named Savonarola.  He had a lot of serious, um, emotional issues, and was not a particularly happy person.  At any rate, he grew to be rather influential with the powers that were and and he gained popular approval by capitalizing on the already miserable conditions generally of that period. Through fear and the threat of eternal damnation,  he convinced quite a number of otherwise intelligent people that the way to salvation was to discard knowledge.  So he had gathered from high places the oldest and most beautifully decorated scrolls to the lowest scrawling on scraps of vellum, all the books and paintings and drawings and such as he could. There were books of medicine, art, mathematics, astronomy, engineering -- who now knows what wonderful things were contained in the thousands of ancient and contemporary works that he gathered up. And burned.

Yep. Right there in the middle of the city.  Burned it all.  To ash. Who knows how advanced our sciences, our medicines, might be had we not lost what those works contained? For many years, SMU's Bridwell Library held an annual tongue-in-cheek salute to Savonarola that actually celebrated books......cheeky. I like that.

If this is too much history for ya (and i hope i didn't bore you) then read Bradbury's Farenheit 451 and the same lesson is taught. Or see the movie (not as good, have a snack handy). Anybody have any other works along this vein that they think are worthwhile? There was a good book out a few years ago, kind of a DaVinci Code kinda thing, called The Rule of Four which a fun read.

So The Angry White Mom is furious with these Jackwagons who hide  good ol fashioned racism and
bigotry behind faith.  This is exactly what gives religion a bad name. Religion aside, and just speaking as a fellow American, this anti-Muslim spate of hate has got to stop.  In the first place, how dare these guys demand rights for themselves that they are unwilling to extend to their neighbor (and who next- you? me?)!  There is no Patriotism in acting out of mindless hate.
And if you have personal issues  -- I mean like your sister was knocked up by a guy from Bahrain -- don't drag that baggage into the body politic.

This kind of anti-Islam activity just plays into the hands of our enemies -- who, incidentally, happen to also be the enemies of most Muslims.  I cannot believe I actually agree with Bushie on something (I will check my medications again) but he was right about focusing our outrage on the ones who deserve it. Our enemies feel justified by these morons' blind hatred of this religion -- they can point to these horrible events, these nasty rallies and such and say "see? All Americans hate the Islamic world and we are right to hate them back."
How come these Christians don't burn the Book of Mormon after finding out about the systematic child
predation going one with that Warren Jeffs and his "congregation"-- and that's just the latest.  Read Under the Banner of Heaven (i can't recall the author) for more on Mormon outrages. How come nobody went
out and torched Seventh Day Adventists Churches after Vernon Howell (I refuse to call that child molester by his play name David Koresh) slaughtered his own followers, including children?

Whoa. I have nothing against Mormons. Or Seventh Day Adventists, for that matter.  But I hate the hypocrisy. Here's a thought. I have never heard of anyone (well, there is that Scottish legend of the brother of St. Columba -- another fact-checking tease) who came back from the dead to tell us for sure -- nobody Nobody NOBODY has a real handle on anykind of afterlife. So any religion, or none of our religions, may have it right.

Maybe it is a good time for all religious leaders to urge their believers to step back from the brink, and take a second look at working out a future that we can actually have a say in. I think we need to take a look at what we all have in common and stop zeroing in on the things that divide us.

True Americans of  all faiths are ashamed of this behavior.  Americans must set the standard for tolerance -- no matter what pain or agony we FEEL -- we always must ACT like Americans. It's hard. But the high is like no other. My guidepost is WWJWD -- What Would John Wayne Do?

What do you think? (And if you have any ideas on what John Wayne would actually do, that could be fun)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mr. Hubbell's Highly-Praised Letter

The following in red is what arrived unsolicited in my inbox. Now I really hate to distribute this kind of garbage but i really think you might want to know why i started this forum. I have changed nothing from the original.


This guy is right on…must be that clean air in Colorado!!!

If this guy is right, there's hope! Plus, he's legit !!! He gives his personal info below. Long, but worth it..

A friend of mine received this email. He wasn't sure it was for real so he went to Snopes and they had no reference to it, so he emailed this guy, Gary Hubbell, to see if he wrote it. Here is his reply:
Yes, indeed, I did write that. Thanks for your compliments.


Gary Hubbell, Broker/Owner
United Country Colorado Brokers
Hotchkiss, CO 81419
970 872 3322 970 872 3322 office
970 988 2122 970 988 2122 cell
970 921 5588 970 921 5588 home
970 872 3323 office fax


http://www.aspentimes/ .com/article/20100228/ASPENWEEKLY/100229854/

Barack Obama has awakened a sleeping nation

Gary Hubbell

Aspen Times Weekly February 2010

Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to America in the last 100 years. Truly, he is the savior of America's future. He is the best thing ever.
Despite the fact that he has some of the lowest approval ratings among recent presidents, history will see Barack Obama as the source of America 's resurrection. Barack Obama has plunged the country into levels of debt that we could not have previously imagined; his efforts to nationalize health care have been met with fierce resistance nationwide; TARP bailouts and stimulus spending have shown little positive effect on the national economy; unemployment is unacceptably high and looks to remain that way for most of a decade; legacy entitlement programs have ballooned to unsustainable levels, and there is a seething anger in the populace.
That's why Barack Obama is such a good thing for America .
Obama is the symbol of a creeping liberalism that has infected our society like a cancer for the last 100 years. Just as Hitler is the face of fascism, Obama will go down in history as the face of unchecked liberalism. The cancer metastasized to the point where it could no longer be ignored.
Average Americans who have quietly gone about their lives, earning a paycheck, contributing to their favorite charities, going to high school football games on Friday night, spending their weekends at the beach or on hunting trips - they've gotten off the fence. They've woken up. There is a level of political activism in this country that we haven't seen since the American Revolution, and Barack Obama has been the catalyst that has sparked a restructuring of the American political and social consciousness.
Think of the crap we've slowly learned to tolerate over the past 50 years as liberalism sought to re-structure the America that was the symbol of freedom and liberty to all the people of the world. Immigration laws were ignored on the basis of compassion. Welfare policies encouraged irresponsibility, the fracturing of families, and a cycle of generations of dependency. Debt was regarded as a tonic to lubricate the economy. Our children left school having been taught that they are exceptional and special, while great numbers of them cannot perform basic functions of mathematics and literacy. Legislators decided that people could not be trusted to defend their own homes, and stripped citizens of their rights to own firearms. Productive members of society have been penalized with a heavy burden of taxes in order to support legions of do-nothings who loll around, reveling in their addictions, obesity, indolence, ignorance and "disabilities." Criminals have been arrested and re-arrested, coddled and set free to pillage the citizenry yet again. Lawyers routinely extort fortunes from doctors, contractors and business people with dubious torts.
We slowly learned to tolerate these outrages, shaking our heads in disbelief, and we went on with our lives.
But Barack Obama has ripped the lid off a seething cauldron of dissatisfaction and unrest.
A former Communist is given a paid government position in the White House as an advisor to the president. Auto companies are taken over by the government, and the auto workers' union - whose contracts are completely insupportable in any economic sense - is rewarded with a stake in the company. Government bails out Wall Street investment bankers and insurance companies, who pay their executives outrageous bonuses as thanks for the public support. Terrorists are read their Miranda rights and given free lawyers. And, despite overwhelming public disapproval, Barack Obama has pushed forward with a health care plan that would re-structure one-sixth of the American economy.
Literally millions of Americans have had enough. They're organizing, they're studying the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, they're reading history and case law, they're showing up at rallies and meetings, and a slew of conservative candidates are throwing their hats into the ring. Is there a revolution brewing? Yes, in the sense that there is a keen awareness that our priorities and sensibilities must be radically re-structured. Will it be a violent revolution? No. It will be done through the interpretation of the original document that has guided us for 220 years - the Constitution. Just as the pendulum swung to embrace political correctness and liberalism, there will be a backlash, a complete repudiation of a hundred years of nonsense. A hundred years from now, history will perceive the year 2010 as the time when America got back on the right track. And for that, we can thank Barack Hussein Obama.

Gary Hubbell is a hunter, rancher, and former hunting and fly-fishing guide. Gary works as a Colorado ranch real estate broker. He can be reached through his website,

Well, I don't agree, so I wrote him back. What I wrote to his email address is below I have changed nothing.
Gary Hubbell

Realtor/Rich White Guy
Aspen, Colo.
Auguest 27, 2010

Dear Mr. Hubbell:
You are right, Mr. Hubbell, Barack Obama is a great president and I, too, am totally outraged. I am completely and thoroughly tired of reading letters like yours that are forged solely on misguided opinions targeting vague accusations based on outright lies and misrepresentations about our President Barack Obama. Letters that are then published and promoted by a pandering press staffed by bought-and -paid -for shills for the Republican Party, as evidenced by Fox News’ parent corporation Newscorp’s recent donation of a million dollars to the Republican Governors’ Association.

So let us take a look at your February 2010 letter. First, your sneering tone and sad attempt at sarcasm should best be left to the professional hate-mongerers like O’Reilly and Hannity. Surely as a fine, upright and moral Christian you follow the Ten Commandments – especially the one that goes “you shall not bear false witness.” That means lying, you know.

But let’s look at what you actually wrote. You wrote that President Obama “has plunged the country into levels of debt that we could not possibly imagined.”

FACT: The Bush administration in fact took us from a surplus left by Clinton to the overwhelming debt inherited by Obama He also inherited the OBLIGATED FUTURE DEBT of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which, along with the Bush Tax Cuts for the Very Rich ( folks making MORE than $250,000/year) have been the main additions to the debt.
Let us continue: You say “his efforts at health care have been met with fierce resistance

FACT: Now that the scare-mongering such as “death panels” and other such unbelievable
crap dished out by rich white guys who already have great health care, the provisions enacted by Health Care Reform have already saved Medicare money, according to a recent CAO report. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

Let’s go on:

FACT: TARP was passed and signed BY BUSH. Get it straight. And stop smearing Obama with it.

FACT: Entitlement programs have remained relatively stable in relation to population growth and economic need. Look it up. And be specific about the some twenty or more
“entitlement” programs you are smearing.

FACT: Unemployment rose when the housing market fell BEFORE OBAMA TOOK OFFICE. . I know because my brother is a master carpenter in Colorado and he is still unemployed. Gee. You’re a realtor. In Aspen, one of the highest income per capita places in the country. How many bad loans did you know about and still carve out your commission?

And your “creeping liberalism”. What does that mean? Can you please be specific about how and where this is happening? And please tell me why do you guys always always always follow the vague socio-cultural epithet “liberal” with a comparison reference to Hitler? Do you even KNOW what socialism is? Based on your letter, I suspect not, because Obama has not signed or even sponsored one single piece of legislation that is socialist. Maybe a college course in political science or even world history would do you a world of good. But you take your ignorance even farther, with a scary analogy to dread disease. Well, that is enlightening, I must say.

Your “restructuring of American political and social consciousness” is nothing more than media-coddled upper middle class and upper class whining about losing control over the ways they have stuck it to the poor for yes, these past 50 years. It was Eisenhower who warned us as he left office to be wary of the “military industrial complex.” Look into the midst of those thieves in corporate clothing and their Wall Street buddies to find the core of rot that plagues our nation.

Your paragraph describing all the “crap” we have learned to tolerate needs a few corrections. For example, “Immigration laws were ignored” to provide cheap labor for agribusiness. And, absolutely no evidence exists to the claim that “welfare policies encouraged irresponsibility, etc..” This is simply an emotional-charged way of directing anger at the less fortunate. Really Christian, that.

I cannot argue your points about our children and our schools. They are in trouble. But that’s because our schools have been forced to operate in the 20th and 21st centuries using a century old funding method. Our schools need more funds to hire teachers who want to teach and who actually like teaching, as opposed to hiring warm bodies as cheap as possible because they will work for that wage. Our children “cannot function” because when teachers and administrators attempt to discipline or punish them for behavior that is counterproductive, the PARENTS of these precious lil’ darlins’ yank them out and homeschool them leaving them stupid, rude, superstitious and self-centered, just like their parents. Neither Barack Obama, nor “creeping liberalism” has had ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS PROBLEM.

And stop with the nonsense about your second amendment rights. No one is trying to take your toys away. Grow up. I personally am acquainted with our County Sheriff. I find it enormously unlikely that he will come for my guns.

Your next paragraph is just a mash of disjointed grievances. Boohoo. A former communist gets a job. What happened to American the Land of Opportunity? Huh?

Auto companies are bailed out. Oh waaaaaah! Read the news Cowboy, they are paying and have already paid the government back. Government bails our Wall Street – hey,

Hubbell, how many times do we have to tell you this -- the BUSH ADMINISTRATION, NOT OBAMA, BAILED OUT WALL STREET. And then, congressional republicans tried to block financial reform that BENEFITS us all (except wall street bankers, brokers and other slime). Incidentally, those executive bonuses are the fault of the decisions of these companies’ boards of directors, not Obama, who are funny thing, rich white guys. You might want to take a college-level finance course too to see how corporations get things done.

And who is letting out criminals? Come on, this scare technique is as old as Willie Horton (don’t get it? you can google this one easy).

But you are right about one thing. Millions of Americans have had enough. Sadly though, they are being led to believe by some who are perhaps misguided and others who are certainly not looking out for the Average Person’s well-being, that the enemy is our president and his policies. In fact, they should be very careful who they listen to.

Beware of the people who want to go backwards , who warn of progress despite its pains, and who desire the good ol’ days when those days were not so good at all. I am not afraid of my government,. I am afraid of people like you who want “a complete repudiation of a hundred years” --- years that were not so good for us folks who don’t happen to be white, rich and male.

Let us list a few things that President Obama has managed to accomplish in the face of an unyielding wall of hatred and stonewalling.

OBAMA PASSED CREDIT CARD REFORM TRUTH Helps consumers, hurts fat cat
bankers and other rich white guys. Surely no argument here.
OBAMA PASSED HEALTH CARE REFORM (About time!) TRUTH: the bill contained a number of Republican suggestions and is actually based on a program like the one MITT ROMNEY (the BIG rich white guy on the right) enacted as governor of Massachusetts. And as previously mentioned, the reforms already underway have begun to show up on the positive side of the ledger. And as more people are actually affected by these reforms, polls show they are more approving of its elements. When the hate-slogan
“Obamacare” is removed from the program’s description, folks are very positive about it. Learn the facts, dude, and leave off the sour-grapes griping.

Against overwhelming support by the Republican congressional members for rich, white Wall Street bankers, brokers, backstabbers and thieves, OBAMA PASSED FINANCIAL REFORM so that my and my hard working husband’s meager life savings will never be sacrificed again to greed and gullibility.

OBAMA has acted to secure our borders. TRUTH: The Obama administration has put more boots on the ground and more equipment and funding on the border that EVER BEFORE. Why don’t you get the facts from someone who would know, like say New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson?

These are the things we need to thank President Obama for. I for one, am grateful to have an intelligent, thoughtful, engaged Commander in Chief for my son, currently serving this great country in the Army.

As Americans we definitely are feeling the outrage. The outrage of being take advantage of by our neighbors, of being stepped on by corporations, of being ignored in favor of the
Rich and Near Rich, of being taxed to support the upper 2% of the income bracket. Here’s a clue for you math geniuses who complain about the Americans who pay no income tax – they DON’T MAKE ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY TAXES. THEY ARE POOR. Get it? You try living on $8 an hour. C’mon, try it for one month.

I doubt that you have the good grace to give this a glance, Mr. Hubbell. From a 53-year old wife and mother in the $40,000/year tax bracket, my advice to you is this:

Fear is the single most contributor to the inability to physically and mentally function. This is a biological fact. Keep on being afraid and you will stay behind in those good ol’ days. Mr. Obama is moving me and my family and our nation into the future. No doubt mistakes will be made. You and others like you certainly are free to hang back, with your whining and bugaboos. But in reality the rest of us would like you to either shut up and get out of the way or get behind us and push.

Yours most sincerely,
Jeri Robison Turner
Poor Person with a College Degree

Ironically, his followers fell far short of his rally to attack me.  Not one single member of his hatesite contacted me.  But i did hear from several folks who tried to post encouraging comments to me on his site, which he deleted.  I have invited them to share their experiences with this fine upstanding Christian example
here in this forum, and i hope they will join my voice.

So Here We Are

Well, well
Here I am -- The Angry White Mom. Never thought i would be blogging but the last two or three days I have found that I no longer can keep quiet.  There are a lot of loud angry Americans out here who are just as mad as I am, and I hope you will use this forum to express that anger.
This is what set me off.  Last Thursday or Friday one of my conservative acquaintances sent me a long, forwarded email that had originated with a guy named Gary Hubbell.  I read his article, which had originally been published in February 2010 in an Aspen, Colorado newspaper.  Thinking I had the same rights as Mr. Hubbell as well as my conservative contact, I wrote a reply, hit the "Reply All" button, and sent it off. Big Eye-Opener Here. Sometime on Saturday I find an email from some guy from Louisiana who had gotten my email off of Mr. Hubbell's site The  Turns out Mr. Hubbell was so enchanted with my rebuttal that he actually put in on his website and then invited his members to send me their comments. They did. Unfortunately for Mr. Hubbell, more folks wrote me in support of my views.  The ONLY person who wrote me to tell me they were unhappy with me was the conservative acquaintance who sent me Hubbell's diatribe in the first place.  Go figure.

So back to my fun weekend. When i read that Mr. Hubbell had posted my rebuttal, I had to see it for myself.
Googling "The Awakened Nation," I found lots and lots of Nazi Germany references and in particular references to one of Hitler's favorite Marches called, you guessed it, The Awakened Nation. That should have been a clue, but curiousity drove me on. When I found the site, it was after navigating through a number of  commercial websites for various Hubbell -owned businesses.  Ingenious that, but i will blog about the clever marketing of Rich White Men later.  Not only did Hubbell slime me, but he posted the emails of the conservative folks who sent it to me -- sliming his own supporters in his rabid, testosterone-powered hurry to
put me in my place.  Well, now i have my own place. When I find the doggone thing, i will post his diatribe and my rebuttal here.  Your comments are welcome.  Mine were called "vicious" by my conservative "friend."