Thursday, September 2, 2010


Yesterday The Angry White Mom never got around to this blogging stuff -- I had bills to pay, it being the first of the month, plus real work to do, about which I will share soon enough. But yesterday's highlight was finding out from my fifteen-year-old that the School District has blocked my blog! What a RUSH! I cannot tell you how great that makes me feel. The support and validation from many of you aside, it is just amazing to me that anyone is reading any progressive stuff at all. In my experience, if they shut you down you have managed to upset the apple cart.  Upsetting the apple cart may be messy, but it brings to light all the mold and rot down below. I can't wait to see if they block all political blogs, or just the "angry liberal" ones. I honestly will support the decision to blog all political and or religious blogs (sorry if you disagree) because I certainly don't want want sewage like Hubbell's Awakened Nation hatesite being read in our public schools.   We'll see.....
On the bright side I heard from the guy in Louisiana --Johnnie-- who first alerted me to Mr. Hubbell's attempted cyberambush. This Patriot has been inspired to publish his own blog, too, The Conservative
Democrat, and you will find a link to his site here. 
I like to keep in mind what Will Rogers once said, "I don't belong to an organized political party.  I'm a
Democrat."  So with that in mind, I want to say that I may not agree with Johnnie all the time but his
posts are always thoughtful and well said and as a writer also totally new to this medium, I wish him the best.
Now today The Angry White Mom has had all she can stand from conservative crackheads who try to hijack my patriotism.  Since when did the Right Wing corner the market on being Patriotic?  It is totally absurd.  I am so tired of the tiresome rhetoric from that horrible congresswoman Bachman in Michigan and others of her ilk about "anti-American" activities.  Good Lordamighty, sounds like she is celebrating the resurrection of  McCarthy instead of Jesus.
I have a pedigree to match the Kennedys. I always sing the National Anthem, and i cry at the "land of the free and the home of the brave" part.  I love our history -- even the naughty bits --  and treasure our national heritage. I could join the Daughters of the American Revolution, except that their annual dues are a little steep. I pay my taxes thankfully, because the small amount that i pay is like a covenant between me and the government -- that they will do their best to improve the quality of my life as an American.  So don't anyone even dare to question my love of country, or the commitment to its growth and prosperity. I remember back in the when that "America -- Love It or Leave It" --slogan was so popular.  I guess I still feel that way except that the Loving America part to me also means loving even the parts you don't like.  Kind of like with our parents. Or a difficult child.
Right now our country is facing so many challenges with so many pitfalls -- natural ones as well as nasty ones
designed by those who have theirs and really could care less if anyone else does. Here is one of the basic reasons why I support President Obama. In the first place I  voted for him to lead our country.  In the second place, the majority of Americans voted for him, too.  It's not as if he came to the presidency via a judicial coup, like Bushie did in 2000.
On the other hand, I did NOT vote for Mitch McConnell, or John (I'd Rather Be Golfing) Boehner, or especially Dick Armey, Sarah Palin or Newt Gingrich.  These last three (I could name so many others) have absolutely no relevance to the national debate. They are HASBEENS. It's as ridiculous as having Mike Brown featured on the Five-Year Katrina retrospective on cable news.  What? He was?  Oh. Ooops.
I certainly did not vote for Glenn Beck, a Mormon-turned Christian Fundamentalist with a messianic complex that rivals a character from Ayn Rand.  I did not vote for fat, oxycontin-addicted Rush Limbaugh (when my children were little and misbehaved, i would ask them if they had seen that bad boy Rush anywhere around...) I certainly did not vote for Rupert Murdoch, a foreign national (he is an Australian citizen) who controls NewsCorp, which runs Fox News and most Fox Network subsidiaries which adds up to about one quarter of the country's broadcast news outlets.
I did help elect our President. And although I voted for my Republican congressman, I was glad that Democrats won a majority in Congress. And while I realize our elected leaders are not perfect, the system is the best there is. Considering the mess that was left them, i am fully okay with them taking a little extra time to get things in order and get the job done.
And that brings us full circle to the School District thing. I certainly would not want to be the one choosing which blogs are okay and which ones are not.  If blocking blogspots is being  handled fairly and in a nonpartisan way, I am happy to let it go. After all,  i do believe the school administrators are fundamentally looking out for the students, and I have to give them the time and space to get the job done.

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