Monday, August 30, 2010

So Here We Are

Well, well
Here I am -- The Angry White Mom. Never thought i would be blogging but the last two or three days I have found that I no longer can keep quiet.  There are a lot of loud angry Americans out here who are just as mad as I am, and I hope you will use this forum to express that anger.
This is what set me off.  Last Thursday or Friday one of my conservative acquaintances sent me a long, forwarded email that had originated with a guy named Gary Hubbell.  I read his article, which had originally been published in February 2010 in an Aspen, Colorado newspaper.  Thinking I had the same rights as Mr. Hubbell as well as my conservative contact, I wrote a reply, hit the "Reply All" button, and sent it off. Big Eye-Opener Here. Sometime on Saturday I find an email from some guy from Louisiana who had gotten my email off of Mr. Hubbell's site The  Turns out Mr. Hubbell was so enchanted with my rebuttal that he actually put in on his website and then invited his members to send me their comments. They did. Unfortunately for Mr. Hubbell, more folks wrote me in support of my views.  The ONLY person who wrote me to tell me they were unhappy with me was the conservative acquaintance who sent me Hubbell's diatribe in the first place.  Go figure.

So back to my fun weekend. When i read that Mr. Hubbell had posted my rebuttal, I had to see it for myself.
Googling "The Awakened Nation," I found lots and lots of Nazi Germany references and in particular references to one of Hitler's favorite Marches called, you guessed it, The Awakened Nation. That should have been a clue, but curiousity drove me on. When I found the site, it was after navigating through a number of  commercial websites for various Hubbell -owned businesses.  Ingenious that, but i will blog about the clever marketing of Rich White Men later.  Not only did Hubbell slime me, but he posted the emails of the conservative folks who sent it to me -- sliming his own supporters in his rabid, testosterone-powered hurry to
put me in my place.  Well, now i have my own place. When I find the doggone thing, i will post his diatribe and my rebuttal here.  Your comments are welcome.  Mine were called "vicious" by my conservative "friend."

1 comment:

  1. Jeri,

    Hey, it's Johnnie -- I'm the guy from Louisiana who sent you the e-mail about Hubbell posting your letter! I'm so proud of you for going "full-time" with a mission to bust the myriad of lies going around. Don't know if you got my last e-mail, but Mr. Hubbell deleted my post that praised your letter -- and deleted my user account from his website!

    I do think that, if Hubbell is going to dabble in politics, his skin oughta be a little thicker than that.

    Anyway, way to go, getting a blog going!

