Thursday, March 21, 2013

As the Stomach Turns....

Just a couple of stomach turning moments this week seriously racheted up my bitch levels.  First one is rather personal, so bear with me for a few paragraphs while I get this one off my chest and then I will
bite into the more public ones.
My oldest son, home on spring break from West Point, and with a fellow cadet guesting with us for a few days, his brother, dad and I were enjoying a great down-home diner-type meal at a fine culinary establishment in town. Being a small burg, a number of folks who know him, who taught him, who went to school with him -- in true classic small-town fashion, hollered greetings or waved to him as we walked in,
some motioning for him to join them at their tables for a few minutes for a brief chat. 
When he finally rejoined us, one of the town's wealthiest ranchers, vocally anti-Obama, always loudly and publicly proclaiming his partisanship, always touting his own supposed military service, always dropping names of supposedly important other rich people he knows, stopped by on his way out to announce to us all that Americans have gone and elected again A SOCIALIST.
Now I really do not care what his opinions are, nor do I give his opinions much credibility.  Having watched him over the years interact with our local officials and other parents  it is pretty evident to me that except for his having money, no one would give him the time of day.  His loud mouth, his self-insertion into other people's lives, reminds me a lot of having to deal with the babbling homeless man of the urban environrment. Or more like a political thug, lurking in the dim world of his political bubble, waiting to jump
the unwary as they go about their day.
Aside from the comedy relief aspects of his intrusion,, in a larger sense, because I realize that he is not by any means alone, I am troubled by his rudeness.  Can someone puh-leeze tell me why he feels he can intrude this way?  What on earth have I ever said to this man that gives him an invitation to choke out his putrid thoughts in my arena? It seems a peculiarity among conservatives, primarily, because I have never had anyone sit down publicly with me and loudly denouce any Republican. Ever. Even during the last years of the Bush bungle.

Fortunately, this stomach-turning insensitivity absolutely pales in comparison to the utterly revolting gutting  by Sen. Harry Reid of the Assault Weapons control aspects of any Senate gun legislation.  Good God, man!  You have the backing of nearly ninety percent of Americans, and some sixty-five percent of gun owners.  Get a frigging spine, will ya?  You cannot tell me, a gun owner in Texas, that Americans' Right to Bear Arms will keel over and die when these whiners cannot have, what is it, like SEVEN guns?
I would like to prescribe two ccs of ManTheFuckUp to our honorable Democratic Senators and
Representatives.  I  beg them all to do the right thing.

Other stomach-turning events included nearly the entire parade of clowns at CPAC. Oh man. All of them hurling up the same old vomit, all the while saying, "Look, it is kinder, gentler, more inclusive vomit."
I just have one question and would welcome just about any of the CPAC speakers to answer it:
When the Democratic Party has given us our social safetly net, access to education, access to health care, protected voter rights, WHAT EXACTLY HAVE THE REPUBLICANS GIVEN US?  Let me think,
and I am sure there are a number of things I will miss.  Hmmm.  The Iraq War. The Afghanistan War.
The Worst Economic Crises Since the Great Depression.  De-Regulation of those who authored The
WECStGD (see above).  Cutbacks in local education, local law enforcement, local health care. 

Let's look at some of the answers offered by the Republican leaders speaking at CPAC.  Sen. Rubio says our problems can be solved by "America." I have expected him to break out with West Side Story.  Rand Paul claims that its the fault of the dusty old goobers in his party.Instead of tired old racism, they need to try updated twenty first century racism. Half-Governor Palin blames Mayor Bloomberg. Trump is incomprehensible, so we'll let that go. Overall, I found myself missing Mr. Eastwood's empty chair.

I think I would rather have the flu than have this Congress. I would probably be less sick.

The truth hurts. Now go put a bandage on it.

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