Thursday, October 14, 2010

She's Baaaaack...

The Angry White Mom is back, after a few weeks of hiatus while I took a long mental health holiday and a deep deep breath. In the meantime, i got quite a few encouraging words from various folks, and here's a great one and a big shout out to The Conservative Democrat for supplying this commentary: 

There's no question that we're losing jobs at an alarming rate in the United States...
There's also no question as to where these jobs are going: Overseas, quite often to support Communist China.
(Read: Cheap Labor... and let's forget that we're selling out the very American working families who would actually BUY our products)
Today, Congress finally moved on something to stop the endless job losses...
They voted today to impose penalties on companies that ship jobs overseas, and give them TAX BREAKS for moving jobs back to America:

The bill failed to pass, with a vote of only 53 in favor of passage... 60 votes were needed to take up the bill.
Here's what you should know about today's vote to give   Tax Breaks to companies who return jobs to America:



Pop Quiz
Why did the Republicans vote down this bill?  Choose the best answer from below:
A) Because they're bought and paid for by their large Corporate donors who love cheap labor at any cost,
B) Because they want to support a Communist Country,
C) Because they want to weaken the economic and security status of the United States

Is your job in jeopardy?
Is your 401(k) collapsing from a sluggish, jobless economy?

If you think folks should know, forward this on.
If you want to hide the truth, just delete it.

6 This is what the LORD says:
       "For three sins of Israel,
       even for four, I will not turn back {my wrath}.
They sell the righteous for silver,
       and the needy for a pair of sandals.
 7 They trample on the heads of the poor
       as upon the dust of the ground
       and deny justice to the oppressed.

Amos 2:6-7 (NIV)

And Happy Belated Birthday and a really big shout out to my Same Name Friend Jerry for sending this one: